Friday, May 7, 2010

Latest Develoments

Happy Thursday!

I'm sending this message out to an undisclosed group of friends who have prayed, supported and partnered with us over the past few years. (Doesn't that sound intriguing??)

Many of you receive our periodic updates (if you don't and would like to, just hit "reply" and let me know) and have probably heard about my transition into a 2nd (or is it 5th?) career as a roofing contractor in order to support our mission work. Things are going pretty well, I've actually even seen a couple paychecks! I really believe that this is going to provide the flexibility and long-term financial support we need in order to continue focusing our efforts on connecting with broken, hurting, skeptical (and often poor) folks around south Fort Worth and beyond. Even some of my very jaded roofing co-workers are showing interest!

I hope, pray and fully expect that over the course of the next year I will be able to cultivate a large enough referral base and proficiency in this job to make a sustainable living without abandoning my calling to plant churches. But, I need help to get through the next 12 months. In addition to the support we're currently receiving, I am looking to raise, through one time and monthly commitments, the equivalent of $2000/month... $24000 for those whose math skills are no better than mine. ;) By next summer I hope to be self-supported (financially speaking) in ministry through my roofing work.

I would like to be able to use the money I'm already making from roofing to get us moved into a house near the Chappotins (which is a very modest and affordable neighborhood...and there is currently a house for sale two doors down from them) in order to enter more fully into the rhythms and lifestyle we're currently attempting from a distance. For those that don't know, we were offered a temporary living situation when we moved here in October of 2008. Some friends who live just outside of town have a small mobile home on their property. It would be a bit cramped for our family of five, but was just what we needed to get relocated, and would only be for a few months... We are very grateful for Mr. Ron and Mrs. Debbie, but we are ready to move into a neighborhood. (Besides, the boys miss their dog Chicory who has been living with my parents for the past 2 years.)

We've done a pretty good job over the past couple years (thanks in large part to the concern and generosity of our friends and family) of eliminating significant portions of debt. We're committed to continue making choices that allow us to live on less.

Many of you receiving this are currently monthly supporters of ours - thank you! Can you think of another person that might consider a short-term - just one year - or even a one time commitment? Perhaps you could organize a dinner with couples from your Sunday school class or even talk to leaders in your congregation.

If you, or someone you know, wants to hear more about any of our ministry efforts I would love the chance to meet with you. If anyone wants to see this stuff in action I would love to show you. If they want to know more about the theology behind what we’re doing I can share it. If someone wants to know how to partner with us financially, the address for Christ Journey is PO Box 3283 Burleson, TX 76097.

I have never aspired to be a fundraiser and it pains me that there are people who've received more requests for money from me than anything else. This continues to be a humbling experience but I have learned the truth that none of us makes it through life on our own. Our level of conscious dependence on God's provision has increased and so has our realization of how much we need other people. I pray that this will be my final fundraising push, but that I am merely beginning to understand my need for God and others.

Please also continue to pray for the development of this long-term bi-vocational approach.

Grace and Peace,