Thursday, June 19, 2008

June Update

**By Bret

It is happening!

A lot has taken place since my last (well, actually my first) email update about 6 weeks ago. There are several new people on this email list which is appropriate because the number of people praying for our transition has increased tremendously.

After spending a couple weeks in prayer and discussion with our elders here at Tammany Oaks we announced to the congregation that Rachel, the Wells brothers and I are going to be relocating to the Burleson, TX area to plant new churches. This has been an emotional time with our church family here, but I’m so excited that we are walking through this transition together. As we’ve had the opportunity to tell people more about what we’re doing the response has been overwhelmingly supportive. It seems that this call on our lives is evident and that has been very encouraging to me personally.

May and June have been incredibly busy for us. I spent a week in Abilene taking (hopefully) my last leveling course before starting a doctor of ministry program sometime in the next year (depending on when we get transitioned to Burleson).

I had the honor of performing the wedding ceremony for my little sister and new brother-in-law the weekend following my class in Abilene . Then we were back home for a little over a week before packing up again and heading back to Texas for our first fundraising dinner (in Granbury) and then a week of Mission Alive Strategy lab in Plano.

The dinner went quite well. It was the first time I’d addressed a group of people regarding our desire to plant churches and I didn’t come away with the impression that people thought this was a huge mistake!! Everyone was very supportive and Mike and Susan Blevins ministered to us tremendously through opening up their unbelievable home. I have to throw in this plug for my in-laws too; Bob and Bonnie have been incredibly supportive. They have been some of our loudest cheerleaders and their vote of confidence has meant so much to Rachel and I.

Our week in Plano was good for several reasons. Of course training and chances to think strategically are always helpful, but the main benefit was actually more relational. We stayed with our good friends Tod and Candace Vogt (and Hannah and Lucas!). For those that don’t know, Tod was the preacher who hired me at Tammany Oaks. The Chappotins (our co-workers in Burleson) stayed there also as they were helping facilitate the strategy lab. It was good to see old friends and to begin to grow closer with new ones as well. I came away extremely encouraged about the potential for our families to not only work well together, but to experience a real friendship and community.

I realize this has been a little long for an email…but both of you who read my blog will likely have suspected nothing less! Thankfully, there’s a lot to update!

Here’s a brief look at what’s coming up for us and some areas over which we’d like you to be in prayer:

In the next week we hope to send out a fundraising letter to over 100 people. About a week later (once folks have gotten the letter) I’ll begin following these up with phone calls.

We’re going to be updating our blogs and facebook accounts with specific information on our efforts to raise support.

We are in the process of planning a couple more fundraising dinners (with the added possibility of a 2nd dinner in Granbury!)

I’m continuing to work with Chris and Christ Journey in whatever ways I can. I’m also going to be working with Ryan Porche (a church planter in Dallas ) to put together a retreat focused on worship, spiritual disciplines and the blessing of ancient Christian practices.

I ask for your continued prayers as we work through this transition with Tammany Oaks and Christ Journey. While we are ready to invest in lives in the Burleson area, specifically those who do not presently enjoy the blessing of life with Christ, we also want to bless Tammany Oaks in every way possible.

To those who have partnered with us financially, we again thank you. Your support allowed us to travel to Texas for the fundraising dinner and strategy lab without putting more money on our credit cards! We were also able to purchase supplies for presentation materials at the dinner, as well as for the fundraising letter we’re about to send out.

If you have not made the decision to support us financially in this ministry, Rachel and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider doing so. If you are interested in hearing more, or if you know someone who may be, we’d love the chance to talk in person or over the phone.

Thank you all for your prayers, encouragement and support!

Grace and Peace,

Bret, Rachel and the Wells brothers /

email us! /

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